Jessica Ghoul

Yoga with J

A way of leading a mindful life

“Where the mind goes, energy flows.”

Yoga has been part of my daily life since 2016, I have learned quite a lot about myself and the world through this on-going journey of self-discovery. I had already developed a mindset and a universal vision of the world in my early 20s, then yoga came to justify, confirm and make sense of all that my mind was already infatuated with and wanted my body to feel. This sense of belonging and bliss kept me coming to yoga classes almost every day until I decided to go on a training to deepen my practice and learn more of the ancient philosophy behind this magical discipline.


I have done 3 trainings in Bali the island of the Gods: 

.First was a 200H Hatha-Vinyasa TTC with Zuna yoga 

.Second a 100H of Chinese Medicine & Thai yoga massage 

.Third another 100h Lucid flow & Mandala Vinyasa with SOHA

The body wants to heal it is the mind that needs training.


about my classes

I offer different styles of yoga :

. Yin Yang based on Chinese Medicine 

Works on the 5 element Theory ( Earth, Metal Water, Wood & Fire ) 

We are all born in a way that connects us to an element more than the other.

In this class you will Learn about each element, its characteristics and properties in our lives, the organs related to it, the emotional and physical functions of these organs, the symptoms that may appear in the body and the mind when we are out of balance and how to heal this element and bring both our yin & yang energies back in harmony.

*Learn about acupressure points related to their respective element, their benefits ( ex relieving headaches, backpain etc…) and how to massage them to allow a smoother flow of Qi in the body, releasing stagnation and restoring balance.

. Yin & Mobility

This is a session for the soul, just like giving yourself a massage, an hour of self love where you give your body the time to relax and your mind the space to connect.  A slow paced flow with pauses that will work the mobility of your joints, open up the tight areas in your body while finding the calmness and serenity in your mind. You will come out floating into a higher state of being. 

. Mandala Vinyasa Flow

The word mandala means "sacred circles" inspired by the sacred Land of Mama Bali. The sequence is performed in fluid motions to find a full expression of a slow and strong vinyasa class. Turning 360 all over your mat and finding the water qualities as you work your way into a state of flow. Like a trip to the ocean 🌊 this class will strengthen and lengthen every single part of your body so that you become strong in your softness.

. Restorative relaxation

A calm gentle class that feels like a break from the busy world. 

With soft, soothing music and low lights, this class works on relaxing the mind from the busy active lives we all lead, and opens the tight areas in the body with supported stretches.

. Vinyasa Flow

A consecutive flowy sequence that guides the body to move with the flow of breath reaching a peak pose that ignites the Agni ( inner fire) thru arm balances, inversions or backbends then transitions into the cool down part of class to soften the body and the mind into respective stretches and mindful breathing, ending in a blissful Savasana.

. Breathing & Meditation

I include breathing exercises ( pranayama) and different types of meditation in almost all my classes, as I believe it is the most essential aspect of yoga. 

This practice allows us to connect to ourselves and helps us learn how to take charge of our lives by controlling our breath and clearing our minds. 

Yoga is shedding all the layers and finding your innermost essence, remembering who you really are; one with all there is.


Yoga & Meditation is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.

I now teach yoga to share my humble knowledge of how yoga & Chinese medicine can change your life. 

Practice will help you understand yourself, your feelings, your reactions, and the connection between body and mind. The more you spend time with yourself the more you’ll learn who you are in your innermost essence, under all the layers. 

Notice how when you take a deep breath, your feel lighter?

That's yoga in a split second.

Yoga is in everything you do, not only on your mat but even more importantly off the mat, taking the teachings of patience, humbleness, self-love, non-violence, gratitude, and kindness and learning how to navigate and weave these teachings into your life is the greatest leap towards self-realization and a lighter version of yourself. 

Notice how when 

you take a deep 

breath in.

you feel lighter?

That's Yoga 

in a split 

of a second.

A yogi is one whose spine is filled with light

Yoga & Nature

I believe that the more we spend time outdoors, the more we get to understand the origin of who we are and how close to nature our dydtem is. We were meant to live by the rules of Nature and its laws, to transition with the seasons snd abide by its progressional forces instead of fighting against it.

Yoga Gift Card

for your loved ones, gift them private sessions with me (online or live)

Classes will be personalized to help them achieve their goals & needs.


insightful articles about Yoga and its benefits