Jessica Ghoul

A Manifestation Of Thought


January 2017

The book is as the title suggests, a compilation of thoughts in a mind that is allowed everything. A flow of non-linear texts tackling science, the human mind, society, love, progress, cosmology, romance, self-love and exploration. Out of acquired knowledge, curiosity, observation and analysis, these writings have been manifested into a book of 126 pages including complementary photographs.

Book Cover

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Back cover

 A dive into a world of regenerated thought where nothing is defined and where knowledge itself is under question. The first texts are molded with the poetic aspect of science, the romantic functions of the world of atoms and galaxies interrelated with personal experiences. They then drift out of poetry and romance and into a criticizing observation of society’s requirements, putting in question the limitations society brings in synching us out of the natural and real and into a distorted image of our misinterpreted intelligence.

A little description of your image




A little description of your image

A little description of your image

A little description of your image

As in any mind, thoughts are mixed;you cannot tell when one thought begins or another ends. However they crash or deflect, they remain related to one entity, and in a loop refer back to one “whole” and that is what this book represents.

A little description of your image